【大分】西の関 青だるま カップ
上品な軽い旨味と喉越しの良いお酒。定番中の定番酒を可愛いカップに詰めました。色違いで白だるまカップもあります。 萱島酒造有限会社ホームページ http://www.nishinoseki.com/ https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/341
上撰酒 萱島酒造 180mlwindsurfcafe
'88 Jeep Wagoneer 2019 Car Culture: Desert Rally
The '88 Jeep Wagoneer casting was based on the actual production model. It has a proper Jeep stance with large off road tires and raised suspension. Car Culture: Desert Rally Black & Yellow stripes, number '101' on sides & hood, White roof SKU No. FYN70 https://youtu.be/9RVEoz5xFBs
Unpainted / Metal Metalflake Teal 2012 Brendon Vetuskeywindsurfcafe
【北海道】北の勝 鳳凰カップ 青・黄
普通酒 碓氷勝三郎商店 180mlwindsurfcafe
【茨城】一品 金撰カップ
普通酒 吉久保酒造 180mlwindsurfcafe
【青森】清酒 じょっぱり カップ
喉越し、舌触り、味わいの揃った、呑むほどに 真価を発揮する旨口のお酒です。 かわいらしいりんごをプリントしたカップ酒です。 六花酒造株式会社ホームページ http://www.joppari.com/
普通酒 六花酒造 180mlwindsurfcafe
2005 Ford Mustang 2021 HW Legends 5-Pack
#ホットウィール #hotwheels For SEMA 2014, Action Vehicle Engineering worked with Hot Wheels on this 2005 Ford Mustang project. The wheels were made special for Hot Wheels, and the whole vehicle was meant to be envisioned as a Japanese style race car. It also has a special wrap design, with decals giving special thanks to Sparco, Falken Tires, KW, Fifteen 52 and Clarke Designs. SKU No. GTN38 https://youtu.be/eZOyFBV2nYY https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/423
Black / Plastic Dark Blue 2015 Fraser Campbellwindsurfcafe
Baja Truck 2021 HW Legends 5-Pack
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The Baja Truck is one of the most notable vehicles to out in the 2010s as it was featured in many forms of media, such as the numerous Team Hot Wheels media it appeared in, so much so that it even became the vehicle of choice of Wyatt in Team Hot Wheels: The Origin of Awesome! The Baja Truck was also the star of the world record for distance jump back in 2011 as the truck cross over 332 feet in the air. https://youtu.be/25ZPtGGgP38 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/573
Chrome / Plastic Red 2019 Ryu Asadawindsurfcafe
Bone Shaker 2021 HW Legends 5-Pack
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The Bone Shaker is a Hot Wheels Original Design. It is an extremely famous and popular Hot Wheels casting, originally available only as an open-roof piece. There were two versions of the open-roof: Post/Tab (the original) and Post/Post. Later it was also available in closed-roof (Post/Tab) versions. Mattel created a life-size version of it as well. SKU No. GTN38 https://youtu.be/iGnuNfdGFOs https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/551 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/686 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/22 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/263
Black / Plastic Matte Metallic Red Larry Wood Indonesiawindsurfcafe
Rip Rod 2021 HW Legends 5-Pack
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The Rip Rod is a small-scale representation of a buggy manufactured by Action Vehicle Engineering for Team Red of the World's Best Driver movie. The buggy was internally designated the "Red Ripper" by Action Vehicle Engineering. It features a 1.0L Ford EcoBoost inline-3 mated to an 8-speed transmission. The Green Ripper as seen in the same movie is related to this car. HW L SKU No. GTN38 https://youtu.be/-nMl1JNNTJ8 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/729 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/742
Red / Metal Black 2013 Fraser Campbellwindsurfcafe
Twin Mill 2021 HW Legends 5-Pack
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The Twin Mill is arguably the most famous, memorable and popular Hot Wheels car of all time, so much so that Hot Wheels themselves made a real life, full scale fully functioning replica which frequently appears at car shows. SKU No. GTN38 https://youtu.be/A6-HcbKB_wc https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/685 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/559 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/730 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/236 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/778 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/264 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/850
Blue / Metal Blue 1969, 2011-14 Ira Gilfordwindsurfcafe
【山形】若乃井 精撰 飯豊山 ワンカップ
普通酒 若乃井酒造 おいしい山形プラザwindsurfcafe
'10 Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake 2019 Urban Camouflage
Urban Camouflage Black, White & Yellow splinter camouflage on sides, hood & roof SKU No. GJV55 https://youtu.be/vLtRyJlVOcY
Black / Plastic Light Grey 2010 Phil Riehlmanwindsurfcafe
普通酒 吉久保酒造 180mlwindsurfcafe
'18 Camaro SS 2019 Urban Camouflage
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The '18 Camaro SS is based on Hot Wheels' 50th Anniversary SEMA 2017 auto show in Las Vegas. A casting designed by Brendon Vetuskey with an initial-release color of Crush Orange. The Sixth Generation Camaro Hot Wheels Anniversary Special Edition was created by a team of designers led by Tom Peters. Urban Camouflage Light & Dark Olive Green woodland camouflage on sides, roof & hood SKU No. GJV56 https://youtu.be/zAmBYbSmwuY https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/240 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/644
Black / Plastic Metalflake Green 2017 Brendon Vetuskeywindsurfcafe
【熊本】通潤くまモン ソフトカップ
大人気のくまモンカップの登場です! 山都町の誇る通潤橋にくまモンが駆け上り、橋上で万歳しています。 酒は、熱燗でも、冷やでも美味しい辛口のお酒です。
普通酒 通潤酒造 252円windsurfcafe